Accurate property valuations drive informed decisions

Our valuations ensure you maximize returns and minimize risk in every transaction.

Real Estate Valuations for all property types (i.e., land, residential, office, retail, industrial, hotels) and for a variety of purposes provided to key market players including individuals, banks, and investors. The wide range of valuation purposes includes:

  • Bank Lending Purposes
  • For Buying and Selling (transaction or investment decisions)
  • For Financial Reporting (IFRS standards)
  • Performance Management
  • Strategic Planning and Financing
  • Statutory Valuations/Legal Proceedings (Compulsory acquisition, Rent Control, Rental disputes, Divorce settlements)
  • Special Purpose Valuations (i.e., Insurance Purposes)
  • Rental Valuations (Market Rent estimation)

Property Portfolio Valuations & Analysis involves assessing the value, performance, and risk profile of a portfolio of real estate assets. This process is essential for portfolio managers, investors, asset managers, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding asset allocation, diversification, risk management, and overall portfolio optimization.
Valuation Review for Financial Reporting Purposes involves reviewing and assessing the accuracy, reliability, and compliance of real estate valuations conducted for financial reporting and accounting purposes. The overview of our step-by-step analysis is as follows:

  • Review Objectives
  • Definition of Scope of Valuation (IAS16- Property Plant & Equipment, IAS 40 – Investment Property)
  • Review of documentation
  • Assessment of Methodology
  • Analysis of Assumptions
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Reporting and communication

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Registered & Licensed Estate Agent – Reg. No: 888, Lic. No: 888/A.